Thursday, September 28, 2006
Random Thoughts of the Day....
In Bizarro World...
So how many of you out there have this alternate internet personality?(How many of you have read a hundred blogs just like this one where some idiot lets his alternate internet personality tell tall tales about how cool he really isn't but says he is?). I believe there is some bionic link between the human psyche and the wizardry of electronics. A link that renders most people super-human, almost possessing the ability to fly and see through walls...maybe that is a stretch, but WAY more bold that they would ever be in real life. Behind a keyboard, I am eloquent, sophisticated, appear educated and highly cultured, and can perpetuate the image of being quite a wordsmith. In reality, I say "um" alot when I speak (especially to a group), and am apprehensive to speak up in a room full of strangers. On the internet, I can reach out and grab a piece of information from across the world in fractions of a second (or maybe a few seconds over dial-up...those guys are like the less popular support staff for the internet sidekicks! But being a sidekick isn't all that bad, as you still get to wear a costume and pull the second-class superhero groupies...just for fetching coffee and experiencing the occasional brush with imminent doom). Where was I? Oh, in Internetville (Bizarro world), the fat are thin, the meek are bold, and the man with 6 fingers on each hand is king!
I'm not really sure where I was going with this...just a random observation in the absence of anything important to talk about...and not really enough time to get into another story.
Good luck vibes out to the boys of the AR-MABL Arkansas Shadows in their preparation for the Men's Amateur Baseball League World Series Tournament in Phoenix, AZ. Weav, JJ, and the rest of you whom I don't know because you have never had the pleasure of playing alongside me, good luck and don't last year....and the year before that! Mojo to you for the next 3 scrimmage games before boarding the plane for the big dance. May your feet be swift, may your bats be mighty, and may your gloves be true.
Oh yeah, for all of you bloggers out there, if I wanted to read all text and have no pictures, I'd pick up a dictionary. Please post pictures that may or may not go along with your story. And make them original pictures that come from your own life, not the crap that floods into my inbox by "those who forward EVERYTHING"....really, please stop that. The first six times the joke was funny. And if the chain forwards were true, by deleting them I would have no arms, no job, a debilitating disease, no girlfriend, and the worst luck of anybody in the world....ummm, I have arms, but the rest is pretty much the case. My luck isn't the worst, but it's bad enough...screw it, I refuse to forward all of that crap! Bring that bad internet mojo my way, because I will delete every chain letter that hits my inbox!!
In Bizarro World...
So how many of you out there have this alternate internet personality?(How many of you have read a hundred blogs just like this one where some idiot lets his alternate internet personality tell tall tales about how cool he really isn't but says he is?). I believe there is some bionic link between the human psyche and the wizardry of electronics. A link that renders most people super-human, almost possessing the ability to fly and see through walls...maybe that is a stretch, but WAY more bold that they would ever be in real life. Behind a keyboard, I am eloquent, sophisticated, appear educated and highly cultured, and can perpetuate the image of being quite a wordsmith. In reality, I say "um" alot when I speak (especially to a group), and am apprehensive to speak up in a room full of strangers. On the internet, I can reach out and grab a piece of information from across the world in fractions of a second (or maybe a few seconds over dial-up...those guys are like the less popular support staff for the internet sidekicks! But being a sidekick isn't all that bad, as you still get to wear a costume and pull the second-class superhero groupies...just for fetching coffee and experiencing the occasional brush with imminent doom). Where was I? Oh, in Internetville (Bizarro world), the fat are thin, the meek are bold, and the man with 6 fingers on each hand is king!
I'm not really sure where I was going with this...just a random observation in the absence of anything important to talk about...and not really enough time to get into another story.
Good luck vibes out to the boys of the AR-MABL Arkansas Shadows in their preparation for the Men's Amateur Baseball League World Series Tournament in Phoenix, AZ. Weav, JJ, and the rest of you whom I don't know because you have never had the pleasure of playing alongside me, good luck and don't last year....and the year before that! Mojo to you for the next 3 scrimmage games before boarding the plane for the big dance. May your feet be swift, may your bats be mighty, and may your gloves be true.
Oh yeah, for all of you bloggers out there, if I wanted to read all text and have no pictures, I'd pick up a dictionary. Please post pictures that may or may not go along with your story. And make them original pictures that come from your own life, not the crap that floods into my inbox by "those who forward EVERYTHING"....really, please stop that. The first six times the joke was funny. And if the chain forwards were true, by deleting them I would have no arms, no job, a debilitating disease, no girlfriend, and the worst luck of anybody in the world....ummm, I have arms, but the rest is pretty much the case. My luck isn't the worst, but it's bad enough...screw it, I refuse to forward all of that crap! Bring that bad internet mojo my way, because I will delete every chain letter that hits my inbox!!