Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Been anwhile, but here's an update...
Sorry guys and gals. I have been spending on average 40 hours a week in the gym preparing myself and my 2 trainees for upcoming contests. I know some of you would like to have seen progress pics as I went along, but there have been some sketchy weeks and some weeks of no change. It goes to show you that you can never estimate your body's response to variations in diet, cardio, supplements, etc. You try to apply logic, but sometimes your body in a dieted state does not play by the rules once you drop below 10% bodyfat. I can say with some confidence that I dieted too hard in the beginning, and based on early results I figured it would be smooth sailing as I became a physical specimen with onion-thin skin and 3% bodyfat at a whopping weight of 70 kg.....ha ha ha ha ha ha and ha!
At this point (11 days out), I hope the last ditch effort of severe carb restriction and 4 gallons of water per day will leave me in respectable shape when I step on the stage. There are dramatic appearance alterations once you stage tan, dry out, and "carb up", but if you haven't lost the flab in strategic locations, there's little water depletion can do for you.
The first 4 weeks were the most successful, and it was tine changes from thre on out. My bodyweight has stayed at a stubborn 77-78kg (170-172 lb), which is not that much of a worry as my weight class allows me 81kg max weight. I figured a ripped Fleetwood would be around 75kg, and it's a good chance I'll drop 2 kg water when I go from 4 gallons of water to 16 ounces on comp day and use some light diuretics. But, if my body stores too many carbs I will "smooth out", so it is a sensitive balance between muscle fullness and being "dry".
I promise once I get this comp over with, I will post some pics and write a full blog about my experience with comp prep. I just don't hav ethe time right now due to gym and writing a paper for a conference. Anyway, here is the flyer for the comp. The guy at the bottom is in my division, but I doubt he will be in this show as he has already qualified for the Aussie nationals which will be held October 7th (2 weeks after my show). I really feel for the guys who qualify for nationals at this show and try to maintain their peak for 2 more weeks. If only cripples and fatties show up in my division and I were to somehow walk away with the win, there's no way I would go to nationals...too much damn work. But then again maybe I would get a second wind. That's all up in the air. I just want to get it over with and start eating like regular people and maybe even have a beer now and again. A full rack of abs with serratus and obliques is great, but it comes at a cost. Until after the comp...
Well, the comp flyer wouldn't post, as it's a PDF. Here's something to keep you a little interested...
Last week - 3 weeks out. Shoulders are striated and in the right light my chest is wicked separated....bring on the stage tan!
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What's up with the white socks in the pic? Your pups might be jacked up, but the socks are a dead giveaway that you're a beginner. :) Ehh, don't fret, you can always say that you have the best abs in the family, and I may be the furriest, depending on what Pete's hiding under his shirt.
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